
The Easiest Way to Migrate to Canada From Nigeria to Study and Work FOR FREE

The Easiest Way to Migrate to Canada From Nigeria to Study and Work FOR FREE. Canada is a popular destination for individuals seeking quality education and excellent work opportunities.


If you’re a Nigerian aspiring to study and work in Canada for free, you’ll be pleased to know that there are several pathways available.

Here’s a step-by-step roadmap:

1. Assess your eligibility:

  • Start by visiting the official Canadian government immigration website:
  • Use the online tools to assess your eligibility for various immigration programs. The two most popular options for Nigerians are:
    • Express Entry: This points-based system prioritizes skilled workers with high language proficiency and education.
    • Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Each Canadian province has its PNP with specific priorities and requirements. Some PNPs are more favorable for Nigerian applicants than Express Entry.

2. Choose your study program:

3. Meet the language requirements:

  • You’ll need to prove English or French language proficiency through standardized tests like IELTS or TEF. The required score varies depending on the immigration program.

4. Apply for a study permit:

  • Once you’ve received an acceptance letter from a DLI, apply for a study permit. This allows you to study in Canada legally.

5. Work while studying:

  • International students in Canada can work on-campus without an additional work permit. Off-campus work requires a work permit, which you can apply for after six months of full-time study.

6. Consider transitioning to permanent residency:

  • While studying and working, explore pathways to permanent residency. Options include Express Entry, PNP programs, or employer sponsorship.


  • This is a simplified overview, and the specific steps and requirements may vary.
  • Seek professional guidance from immigration consultants or lawyers to navigate the complexities of the process.
  • Be prepared for application fees, medical examinations, and processing times.

Additional resources:

How Much Will It Cost To Relocate From Nigeria To Canada As A Student?

The cost of relocating from Nigeria to Canada as a student can vary significantly depending on several factors, including:

1. Program and Institution:

  • Tuition fees: Tuition costs vary greatly based on your chosen program, level of study (undergraduate, graduate, etc.), and the type of institution (public, private, etc.). Research your options carefully to find a program that fits your budget.
  • Living expenses: The cost of living varies between provinces and cities. Major cities like Toronto and Vancouver are undoubtedly more expensive than smaller towns. Factor in expenses like rent, groceries, transportation, and utilities.

2. Application and Visa Fees:

  • Study permit application fee: Currently, the fee is CAD 150.
  • Biometric fees: Around CAD 85 per person.
  • Medical exam fees: Around CAD 150 for the mandatory medical examination.
  • Proof of funds requirement: You may need to demonstrate financial stability by showing sufficient funds to cover tuition, living expenses, and return flight costs. This amount can vary, but expect it to be at least CAD 10,000 per month.
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3. Additional Costs:

  • Travel expenses: Flight tickets from Nigeria to Canada can vary depending on the season and airline. Budget roughly CAD 1,000-2,000 for a one-way trip.
  • Language test fees: English or French language proficiency tests like IELTS or TEF typically cost around CAD 250-300.
  • Other miscellaneous expenses: Factor in costs like international student health insurance, textbooks, and personal expenses.

Estimated Cost Range:

Considering all these factors, the overall cost of relocating as a student can range anywhere from CAD 20,000 to CAD 50,000 per year. Remember, this is just an estimate, and your actual costs could be higher or lower depending on your specific circumstances.

Tips for Reducing Costs:

  • Choose a program and institution with lower tuition fees.
  • Apply for scholarships and financial aid, which can significantly reduce your financial burden.
  • Consider attending a public college or university, which generally have lower tuition fees than private institutions.
  • Live in a less expensive city or town.
  • Look for affordable housing options like shared apartments or student residences.
  • Take advantage of student discounts and deals.

It’s crucial to thoroughly research and budget carefully before planning your relocation. Remember, this is a significant investment in your future, so make informed decisions to ensure a smooth and financially manageable experience in Canada.

How Can I Migrate To Canada Easily From Nigeria?

While there’s no guaranteed “easy” way to migrate to Canada from Nigeria due to the well-defined process with specific requirements, I can offer strategies to increase your chances of success and potentially expedite the process:

1. Choose the right immigration pathway:

  • Express Entry: The most popular points-based system for skilled workers. High language proficiency, education, and relevant work experience increase your points.
  • Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Each province has its PNP with specific priorities and requirements. Some PNPs might be more favorable for Nigerians than Express Entry.
  • Family Sponsorship: If you have close family members in Canada, they can sponsor you for permanent residency.
  • Study programs with potential to permanent residency: Consider study programs related to Canada’s labor market needs, which can open pathways to PR after graduation.

2. Meet the language requirements:

  • Demonstrate English or French proficiency through standardized tests like IELTS or TEF. The required score varies depending on the chosen immigration program.

3. Strengthen your application:

  • Obtain additional qualifications or certifications relevant to your chosen field.
  • Gain Canadian work experience through temporary work permits or student programs.
  • Secure high scores on language tests.
  • Prepare strong application documents and follow submission guidelines meticulously.

4. Seek professional guidance:

  • Consult immigration consultants or lawyers with expertise in Nigerian cases. They can guide you through the complexities of the chosen pathway and help avoid pitfalls.
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5. Remain patient and persistent:

  • Understand that immigration processes can take time, often several months or even years. Prepare for potential delays and stay committed to your goals.

Additional resources:

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and individual circumstances vary. However, by focusing on these strategies and utilizing available resources, you can increase your chances of making your Canadian migration dream a reality.

How Much Does a Working Visa Cost From Nigeria To Canada?

The cost of a work visa from Nigeria to Canada depends on several factors, including the type of work permit you need and whether you apply individually or as a group. Here’s a breakdown:

Work Permit Application Fees:

  • Basic Application Fee: CAD 150 for individual applicants, CAD 465 for groups of two or more.
  • Biometric Fee: CAD 85 per person.

Additional Costs:

  • Medical Exam: Approximately CAD 150 for the mandatory medical examination.
  • Proof of Funds: You may need to demonstrate financial stability by showing sufficient funds to cover living expenses while your application is being processed. This amount can vary, but expect it to be at least CAD 2,000 per month.
  • Travel Expenses: Flight tickets from Nigeria to Canada can vary depending on the season and airline. Budget roughly CAD 1,000-2,000 for a one-way trip.
  • Professional Fees: If you choose to use an immigration consultant or lawyer, expect to pay additional fees for their services.

Estimated Cost Range:

Considering all these factors, the total cost of obtaining a work visa from Nigeria to Canada can range anywhere from CAD 400 to CAD 3,000. Remember, this is just an estimate, and your actual costs could be higher or lower depending on your specific circumstances.

Types of Work Permits and Costs:

  • Open Work Permit: CAD 150, allows you to work for any employer in Canada.
  • Employer-Specific Work Permit: Fees vary depending on the type of permit and processing time.
  • Closed Work Permit: Tied to a specific employer and job offer. Fees are usually covered by the employer.

Tips for Reducing Costs:

  • Apply for an open work permit if you have flexibility in your employment options.
  • Research and choose an immigration consultant or lawyer with competitive fees.
  • Consider applying with a group of friends or colleagues to qualify for the group application fee.
  • Plan your finances carefully and ensure you have sufficient funds to cover all potential costs.

Remember, obtaining a work visa can be a complex process. Thoroughly research your options, gather the necessary documentation, and consider seeking professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful application.

I hope this information provides a helpful overview of the costs associated with obtaining a work visa from Nigeria to Canada.

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How Can I Immigrate To Canada Without Money?

Immigrating to Canada without any money is unfortunately very difficult, as the process typically requires financial resources to cover various expenses. However, there are some potential pathways you can explore, keeping in mind that each has its own challenges and limitations:

1. Refugee and Asylum Programs:

  • If you face persecution or fear for your safety in your home country, you may be eligible for refugee or asylum status in Canada. These programs offer assistance with resettlement and may support your initial financial needs. However, the process can be lengthy and complex, and there are no guarantees of success.

2. Family Sponsorship:

  • If you have close family members who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, they can sponsor you for immigration. This can be a viable option if you meet the eligibility criteria and your sponsor(s) can demonstrate financial support for you.

3. Work Study Programs:

  • Certain programs combine study and work opportunities in Canada. You can potentially gain Canadian experience and build financial resources while studying, which may ultimately lead to permanent residency. However, these programs usually require tuition fees and living expenses.

4. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs):

  • Some PNPs in specific Canadian provinces focus on attracting skilled workers or individuals with specific skills in high demand. Depending on your skills and experience, you might be eligible for nomination under certain PNPs, potentially leading to permanent residency. However, you may still need to demonstrate proof of financial support for initial settlement.

5. Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds:

  • In extraordinary circumstances, Canada may consider immigration applications based on humanitarian or compassionate grounds. This pathway is highly discretionary and reserved for exceptional cases where immigration refusal would result in undue hardship.

Important Resources:


  • Carefully research your options and understand the requirements and challenges of each pathway.
  • Seek professional guidance from immigration consultants or lawyers to assess your eligibility and navigate the application process.
  • Consider building your financial resources before pursuing immigration if your chosen pathway requires upfront costs.
  • Remember, patience and perseverance are essential when navigating the complex immigration process.

While immigrating to Canada without any money is challenging, exploring the potential pathways and pursuing them strategically can increase your chances of success. Be realistic about your circumstances, seek support and guidance, and remain committed to your goals.


Migrating to Canada from Nigeria for study and work is an achievable goal with careful planning and execution. By following this step-by-step guide, you can navigate the process smoothly and increase your chances of success in building a bright future in Canada. Good luck on your journey!
